JOSHPAZ89 in Planetside 2
Age 18+?
Yes (19)
Access to Teamspeak?
Joined us on TS @ previously?
What game(s) are you interested in joining up with MercGG for?
Planetside 2
What is your level or rank in this game?
Any alternate characters?
Yes, JOSHPAX NC BR4 (I created this character to play with an old friend)
Where did you hear about us, or why did you want to join?
I am part of IVI and well they just seem to zerg everything, with little to no strategy and I commonly see MERC doing precise air drops and what not and that takes Strategy and Tactics and I'm interested.
Anything else you wish to inform us of?
Well I'm relatively new to the PS universe. I downloading the game a long while back (a year or so) on my laptop and played for a few months but I'm just getting back into it. I originate from the Battlefield Franchise and I have that twitch response. Don't worry though I'm not that annoying lone wolfer that contributes nothing. In both BF and PS I mainly run medic and have good team cohesion. Of course, I can switch my role around depending on what is needed, it's good to be versatile.
Another game I play is SQUAD (Steam) and that game is relatively communications and strategy heavy, of which I enjoy.
I have some experience in leading a squad of people. In BF I played with friends and I was the strategist of where we should go next and what should we run (4 people). In Squad I've lead a few groups here and there and have been relatively successful with my attacks/defenses (9 people). In PS however I have never lead a group, mainly because I know that I need to have certain Certs invested like the Squad Beacon, but I simply don't know if I have that ability in my BR to lead.
I have absolutely no idea were I should be investing my certs in. I have fully upgrade my Medic Tool, Engineer Tool, and the armor of my Heavy Assault. I have also purchased weapons (certz) like the Torq to better my classes. I currently have roughly 800 certs just floating about at a time. I usually just invest in making my classes' abilities/tools better but I'm aware I need to be investing into some sort of vehicle, but I simply don't know which one I should start in. Therefore, I will be looking to you guys to help me along the way and I'm probably going to be asking real noob like questions.
Tell us a joke!
Do you remember the Silence of the Lambs? Well that 'Hello Cloreace' fella recently did a movie that he made a good joke in. Ill try to remember it at the best of my ability.
It begins with a woman named Mary and she has a serious condition that is heavily linked with a large lack of testosterone, so she goes to her doctor and gets prescribed some testosterone pills to help with her condition. Roughly six months pass and she revisits her doctor for a check up. The conversation goes as follows:
Doctor: Hello Mary!!! How is it going?
Mary: Good doctor, thank you for asking. But I have a little problem doctor.
Doctor: Oh yeah, what is that?
Mary: Well I'm growing hair where hair has never grown before!!!
Doctor: Well Mary that is going to be a given especially with those testosterone pills.
Mary: Well doctor I'm just growing hair in really odd places.
Doctor: Well Mary... mam... its going to happen... well why don't you tell me where your growing hair at and Ill help you understand that you are still lady like.
Mary: Doctor... I'm growing hair on my balls...
(Silence) Statistics: Posted by JOSHPAZ89 — March 30th, 2017, 9:41 am — Replies 2 — Views 358461