MERC Gaming Group Application Form
Name(s): Archersue
{Archersuu }
Age 18+?
{ Yes}
Access to Teamspeak?
{ Yes }
Joined us on TS @ previously?
{ Yes }
What game(s) are you interested in joining up with MercGG for?
{ Planetside 2} Planetside2
What is your level or rank in this game?
{ e.g., BR57 }
Any alternate characters?
{NO }
Where did you hear about us, or why did you want to join?
{ brother is Zeal was with TXR outfit.}
Anything else you wish to inform us of?
{ I got the PT school so don’t have a life and sometime cant play on Wednesday or Friday.}
Tell us a joke!
{ What is a pirates favorite element? ARRRGON }