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MERC GG Forums Applications Apply for Planetside 2 [MERC] IEatTooManyCheeseNips Application

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  • #13558


    Age 18+?

    Access to Teamspeak?

    Joined us on TS @ previously?
    Not yet but I will!

    What game(s) are you interested in joining up with MercGG for?
    PlanetSide 2

    What is your level or rank in this game?
    My character’s BR6 right now but I have others

    Any alternate characters?
    IEatTooManyCheezIts, Emerald VS BR 70

    Travman245, Miller NC BR ASP 49 (my old character LOL)

    Where did you hear about us, or why did you want to join?
    Heard about y’all from Cyrious!

    Anything else you wish to inform us of?
    I am a college student so my availability might be spotty but I will try to join when I can!

    Tell us a joke!
    What’s Hades’ favorite toy? A Cthulhu-hoop.



    Please join us on ts for a few ops and see if we are a good fit. Our op times are Wed. and Fri. at 18:00 PST.
    Feel free to play on other factions or with other groups at any other time outside of ops, but during ops we do require that members playing Planetside be on our ts with us.
    Looking forward to playing with you!


    Got it, thank you! I’ve been playing on a couple ops but I’ll be joining some more too!

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