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MERC GG Forums Applications Apply for Planetside 2 [MERC] JudgeNevarez Application

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  • #14483

    VS: SpankmeHardr, TR: JudgeNevarez

    Age 18+?

    Access to Teamspeak?

    Joined us on TS @ previously?

    What game(s) are you interested in joining up with MercGG for?
    Planetside 2

    What is your level or rank in this game?
    BR 22 on my VS slot and BR 1 on my fresh TR slot

    Any alternate characters?
    Yup. SpankmeHardr (VS) is BR 22, and JudgeNevarez (TR) is BR 1

    Where did you hear about us, or why did you want to join?
    I watched Commander Cyrious’ videos and seeing the gameplay when people coordinate made my jaw drop. I wanted to experience something like that in a game so that is what got me interested 🙂

    Anything else you wish to inform us of?
    I’m currently taking a work at home Internship for an animation related project that burns my hours during the weekdays along with an online summer class that takes 9 hours minimum of my time each week (which I try to knockout during the weekday). So it might be tough for me to get on during the weekdays depending on my workflow but I still pop in when I can 🙂

    Tell us a joke!
    How about a life story that is a funny moment?! 😀 When I was in my community college there was an event where I was with a friend getting some free food and I told him “nobody loves me” as a joke. Then, I kid you not some random guy to the right of me places his hand on my shoulder and says “it’s okay dude I love you.” I immediately out instant reaction put my hand his shoulder, looked him in the eyes and said “and I love you too random citizen.” We both laughed at how hilarious the moment was and made one another’s day. lol



    Thank-you for your interest in MERCS.
    Please join us on our ts for a few ops to see if we are a good fit for each other. This will also help you to reach BR 25 on your TR quicker.
    We do ask that if you play Planetside during our op times, that as a member you will be playing with us and signed into ts.

    I look forward to playing with you,



    Hi Meliande!

    I would love to join you guys 🙂 I’ll join whatever Ops I can!

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