Thank-you for your interest in joining Mercs. Please join us for a couple of ops on Wed. and/or Fri. nights on ts (use your Connery PS2 character) to see if we are a good fit for each other while you level up to BR 25 and are eligible for an official invite. If you log in regularly and play with us, it should not take long.
Also, please note that while attendance at ops is not mandatory, we do require Merc members playing PS2 during op times to be signed into ts and playing with MERCS. In other words, we don’t want to see a Merc playing on another faction/team during ops, any other time is fine.
When you initially sign into the ts your permissions will not allow you to see other players. Please wait in the lobby, read and follow the directions, and someone will be with you eventually. It may take awhile this week as people are on summer vacations and doing summer-y stuff.
We look forward to playing with you!