Age 18+?
Yes, 18
Access to Teamspeak?
Joined us on TS @ previously?
Currently in it
What game(s) are you interested in joining up with MercGG for?
Planetside 2
What is your level or rank in this game?
BR4, It’s a new character
Any alternate characters?
Yes. TexanTrumpeteer, NC, BR19 from almost a year ago
Where did you hear about us, or why did you want to join?
Heard about you from experience as the NC (kicked my ass quite a few times actually) and recently got back into the game when I saw you guys in Youtube videos
Anything else you wish to inform us of?
Going to college soon, I’ll keep you guys posted when I can’t make it
Part of Mount and Blade regiment, I’ll keep you informed on if I can make an op or not
Tell us a joke!
My love life