Name(s): TRQuip in Planetside 2
{e.g., Lepalose in Planetside 2, SomeName in Warframe, etc. }
Age 18+? Yes
{ Yes/No }
Access to Teamspeak? Yes
{ Yes/No }
Joined us on TS @ previously? No
{ Yes/No }
What game(s) are you interested in joining up with MercGG for? Planetside 2
{ e.g., Planetside 2, Star Citizen, etc. }
What is your level or rank in this game? BR 25
{ e.g., BR100 }
Any alternate characters? Yes, NCBrock BR 21
{e.g., Yes, LepaloseVS is BR25, and LepaloseNC is BR30}
Where did you hear about us, or why did you want to join? Heard other people talking about MERC on a pub squad, wanted to join for myself.
{e.g., I see MERC in game all the time dropping bases and destroying the enemy easily … etc.}
Anything else you wish to inform us of? I won’t be available to play for about 8 to 10 days out of the month, every other month due to the nature of my job. Other than that, I have a standard 9 to 5
{e.g., I cannot make it during operation times on Wednesday, … etc.}
Tell us a joke! Why did the Mexican man buy anti-anxiety medication?
For Hispanic attacks!
{ The quality of your joke will not affect your submission, but you must tell one… }