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MERC GG Forums Applications Apply for Planetside 2 [MERC] wunfatsack’s Application

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  • #14628

    wunfatsack in Planetside 2

    Age 18+?

    Access to Teamspeak?

    Joined us on TS @ previously?

    What game(s) are you interested in joining up with MercGG for?
    Planetside 2

    What is your level or rank in this game?
    BR30 (TR)

    Any alternate characters?
    Yes, oogway420 BR23 (NC), wunfatsack BR30 (TR), highgeneralpimpdaddy BR4 (VS)

    Where did you hear about us, or why did you want to join?
    I’ve watched Commander Cyrious’ videos and thought to myself how can I get in his outfit?!

    Anything else you wish to inform us of?
    I can play whenever pretty much, although somethings will come up because I have a life. Besides that, I think it would be a great experience to fight with the Mercenaries in PS2!

    Tell us a joke!
    Knock knock

    Who’s there?

    Quiet horse

    Quiet horse who?

    (In a whisper) Neigh…


    Hey Sack,

    We require applicants to run with us for 2 ops to make sure we’re a good fit for each other. Those ops are Wed/Fri at 6pm pt. Teamspeak is required. Our teamspeak address is, and you would join with your in-game name so we can give permissions. Thanks for your interest and we look forward to meeting you.


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