WhiskeyBravo started the topic The 56RD ops… in the forum Arma 3 6 years, 8 months ago
Tonight, my mods seemed to be having issues. Thus part of my lack of enthusiasm is definitely related to that.
The main issue that I have, is that for a realistic mission, we ended up rocketing down or AA’ing down about 30 billion dollars worth of AC130s and Drones at my station. But basically, doing these missions I feel is not in line w…[Read more]
WhiskeyBravo posted an update in the group MERC Arma 3 6 years, 8 months ago
What mods is 56RD running, because Tonight I have had nothing but problems with their server.
WhiskeyBravo joined the group MERC Arma 3 6 years, 8 months ago