MERC Gaming Group Application Form
Schmeebs (PS2), SantyKlaws (OW), SantyKlaws (Steam)
Age 18+?
Not yet 🙁
Access to Teamspeak?
Joined us on TS @ previously?
What game(s) are you interested in joining up with MercGG for?
Planetside 2 and Overwatch if y’all run it
What is your level or rank in this game?
Br 36
Any alternate characters?
I’ve had tons, but the “active” ones are MaintaMoon (VS) and KombuchaKingKerry (NC on Emerald)
Where did you hear about us, or why did you want to join?
I heard about Mercs through Cyrious, and I wanted to join partly because of him and partly because I’m damn tired of being yelled at by PAL3Tigerrr
Anything else you wish to inform us of?
Even though I’m only BR36, I have over 200 hours on the game because I cannot for the life of me dedicate myself to character for more than 20 battle ranks but I’m making sure I’m here to stay this time around. I can also follow orders and I can throw some spicy rez nades if needed 😉
Tell us a joke!
My wife left me because I’m too insecure… Oh, never mind, she just went to make some tea