Pattyfathead replied to the topic [APPLICATION] Nova Storm in the forum Apply for Planetside 2 [MERC] 7 years ago
Hey Nova,
Looking good. You can get our teamspeak information from the main page. Just show up for Wednesday and Friday night ops at 6:30 PST. Just hang out in the lobby as you won’t be able to see any channels. Run with us for awhile, then once you hit BR 25, you can join the outfit.
Happy hunting, See you Planetside!
Pattyfathead replied to the topic Application in the forum Apply for Planetside 2 [MERC] 7 years ago
Hey man, If you go to our main website there is a link that you can click that will automatically connect you. Once in, you won’t be able to see anything. You won’t have permissions. Just wait in the Teamspeak and someone will be along to help you, as long as you log in at Ops times.
See you for ops!
Pattyfathead replied to the topic Executor's application in the forum Apply for Planetside 2 [MERC] 7 years ago
Hey man, show up in teamspeak, Wednesday and Friday nights at 6:30 PST. You won’t be able to see anyone, but just wait logged in, and an officer will be a long to help you out. Just let them know you are an applicant and there to join operations.
Pattyfathead replied to the topic Application: FN42 in the forum Apply for Planetside 2 [MERC] 7 years ago
Hey FN was good running with you. Keep showing up in Teamspeak and an officer will get an answer to you ASAP. Everything looks good.
Pattyfathead replied to the topic Doctorda application in the forum Apply for Planetside 2 [MERC] 7 years ago
Hey man just keep showing up in Teamspeak for ops for now and an officer will review asap!
Pattyfathead replied to the topic Application in the forum Apply for Planetside 2 [MERC] 8 years ago
Hey man,
Thanks for apping! Hop in our Teamspeak on Wednesday or Friday at 6PM, hold up in the lobby and an officer will be by to get you into our operations!
Pattyfathead started the topic Hey MERC in the forum Open Discussion 8 years ago
Woot! First!